Police protocol regarding the arrest of IC Balakrishnana MLA, Death of the DCC treasurer, Nm Vijayan, IC Balakrishnan, special investigation team, released

Sultan Bathery: The police recorded the arrest of IC Balakrishnana, MLA, in connection with the death of the treasurer DCC Nm Vijayana and his son Jijesh. The investigation team has been questioning IC Balakrishnana over the last three days. Since the court granted him an early release after bail, his arrest was registered and released.
Earlier, a joint investigation team searched his apartment. Inspection at home at Kenichir Panppadi was led by Bathery Dy.spkk Abdul Sherif. The information provided shows that no documents related to the incitement of suicide were found during the search. The band arrived around 13:30 and left at 14:15.

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Mla, the first accused of inciting suicide, was questioned in custody for three days. After temporary arrest on Saturday, his detention was noted. Earlier, a team of six, including inspector of the criminal department of Praveenkumar, interrogated on Friday IC Balakrishnana.
Other accused in this case, including The President of DCC ND Appachan and former leader of the Congress of KK Gopinathan, were also arrested on the third day after the end of their limited detention. Since the court granted early dismissal, the police also released them.